Presentations: SPDK, PMDK and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier Virtual Forum on June 23-25, 2020

Thank you all for attending the SPDK, PMDK and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier Virtual Forum. We had a very successful Virtual Forum this year with awesome content and presenters. You can download the presentations using the links below. Please note these are static PDFs, but many of the presentations made extensive use of animations, so something may be lost in translation.

The videos are available in our YouTube channel.

SPDK Presentations

  1. SPDK: State of the Project
  2. SPDK: NVMe Over TCP: Leveraging Socket Interfaces for Increased Performance
  3. SPDK: The Value of NVMe Device Emulation in SPDK

Vtune Presentations

  1. Vtune: State of the Union
  2. Vtune: Science of Performance
  3. Vtune: Can Your Application Benefit from Intel® Optane™ Persistent Memory?
  4. Vtune Workshop: Optimize Your PMDK-Based Application Using Intel® VTune™ Profiller

PMDK Presentations

  1. PMDK: State of the Project
  2. PMDK: Endurance Benefits with Persistent Memory
  3. PMDK: Concurrency in Failure Atomic Data Structures on Persistent Memory