Presentations: SPDK, PMDK and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier Virtual Forum on June 22-24, 2021

Thank you all for attending the SPDK, PMDK and Intel® Performance Analyzers Virtual Forum. We had a very successful Virtual Forum this year with awesome content and presenters. You can download the presentations using the links below. Please note these are static PDFs, but many of the presentations made extensive use of animations, so something may be lost in translation.

The videos are available in our YouTube channel.

SPDK Presentations

  1. State of the Project
  2. Cloud Native: Getting SPDK Ready for Cloud Native
  3. SPDK Performance In a Nutshell
  4. VFIO User Protocol: Virtualized NVMe Devices with Vfio-User

PMDK Presentations

  1. State of the Project
  2. Adopting Redis to Persistent Memory
  3. Hazelcast and MemKind
  4. Remote Persistent Memory
  5. State of Pmemkv
  6. Building Java Solutions with Persistent Memory

Performance Analyzer Presentations

  1. The Future of Intel Performance Analyzers
  2. Top-Down Topology-Aware I/O Performance Analysis with Intel® VTune™ Profiler
  3. Is Your Code GPU Offload Ready?
  4. Debug Your Threading and Memory Errors
  5. Design and Tune Your Applications for GPU